Löysin tälläisen Inuyasha-puvun teko-ohjeen jostain englannin kielisestä blogista ja enhän minä englantia tarpeeksi hyvin osaa joten laitoin tuon google kääntäjään, mutta en sitä sitten tajunnut yhtään kun ei vissiin itse google kääntäjäkään... :(
eli jos joku voisi vähän helppiä jos osaa enkkua hyvin? :D
how to make inuyasha costume.
#1 Step) before you do any thing you need to plain out how your going to make a
japanese houri that inuyasha were, you need a pattern on how to make one.
#2 Step) if you don't know were you can get one to make one you can start on making
your own pattern to follow when making it frist you will need lot of paper and tape,
some thing to cut the papper, tape with also a ruler so on. After that you will need
to tape the papper togetter Deen you will need to draw out what your inuyasha
costume will look like After drawling it cut out the pattern.
#3 step) you will need to go out and buy what you will need to make it ,
make sare you get the right color that you need to make inuyasha outfit you
will need red, write for the inter parts, black rebibben.
#4 Step) After the pattern cut out and you bought what you will need to make
it with take the pattern you cut out for the top , the inter top that write
the outer is red ok after that start sawing it to getter ok start with the outer
top frist the red one ok deen the inter write it alot easer for you .
# after you srawed the write, red part like the outer top , the write inter top
the last part is the pant that the hard part welly you will need to take you time
on that if you ruch it . It might not come out how you will want it ok.
# the pant will need to take time on it frist you will need to see a pic on how
inuyasha pant look like the way I did mine was it took me a mouth to make ,
3 week for his pant just so it would look like it sowing the side,
the write thing that he has on the sided of the pant he were, the bake of the
costume pant to make it look likw a japanses houri so ok here some pic of what
it look like our sould look like when done.
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